The Ultimate Guide to Successful EOS® Self-Implementation

Thinking of self-implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)® for your business?

You may be facing financial constraints but still want to leverage a powerful operating system that allows you to run your business more efficiently and reliably for maximum profit. While hiring a professional EOS Implementer® is a proven way to go about this, you can make it work on your own if you have the right mindset and discipline.

EOS self-implementation may be daunting at first, but if you’re successful in doing it, the rewards will be abundant!

3 Questions to Ask Yourself

Before you get started with EOS self-implementation, you must ask yourself three questions:

  • Do you have the capacity, time, and energy to implement EOS on your own?
  • Is your leadership team on board and willing to make EOS implementation a priority to make it happen without external help?
  • Do you think you can stay objective and facilitate the process while handling all expected and unforeseen obstacles?

If your honest answer is “No”, it may be best to work with a Certified EOS Implementer. However, if you answered in affirmative, the following steps will help you get started on your EOS journey.

5 Steps to Successful EOS Self-Implementation

  1. Successful EOS self-implementation starts with appointing the right person as the integrator. The ideal person would be someone who is great at following structured agendas, facilitating team meetings, and communicating objectively.
  2. Read Traction® and make sure you understand the six components.
  3. Follow the EOS proven process.
  4. Encourage your leadership team to be open and honest in discussing all ideas.
  5. Hold all your team members accountable to follow the process purely, while appreciating your team’s efforts.

Some Valuable Tips for Successful EOS Self-Implementation

It’s critical to follow the exact process as outlined in Traction. Don’t let constraints related to time, resources, and accountability guide your choice of tools. You also need to be honest and straightforward while communicating about your vision with EOS implementation to ensure everyone on the team is on the same page. Certain platforms, like Traction® Tools software for EOS, can help you stay-the-course while keeping your tools in a single, collaborative space.

Keep in mind that the EOS self-implementation process likely won’t be painless. Just remember that it will take time, dedication, patience, and a lot of focus. There are no shortcuts to successful EOS self-implementation!

Mark is a Certified EOS Implementer® who wants to work with the best of the best. He’ll help you achieve all your business goals by doing EOS® pure.

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